The feminism that won't be shut up
In recent times, a new wave of mass popular feminism has revealed that the gender inequality structure is still very solid. New feminist voices join those of historical activists who have long denounced the injustices and inequalities of the patriarchal model. Sexism, rape, femicide, sexual harassment in everyday situations and discrimination based on gender and race are increasingly present in the media and academic discourse because thousands of feminists from all over the world have decided to speak up and explain their experiences. Thanks to the collective story that women are weaving in their fields such as literature, politics, music, science and humour, feminism will no longer be shut up.
Angela Davis
Revolution today
Angela Davis is a politician, activist and professor emerita at the University of California, Santa Cruz. A member of the Black Panthers and the Communist Party USA in the sixties, Angela Davis is a feminist and revolutionary of reference. Considered one of the great historical fighters for ...
Judith Butler. Fina Birulés and Marta Segarra
The Gender Trouble: Why Do Bodies Matter?
Gender and sexuality are currently under discussion. How much influence do biology and culture have? Are there more than two sexes? How important are social norms, and to what extent can we change them in order to make life more “liveable”? What is the difference between “precariousness” ...
Virginie Despentes
Talk with Jordi Nopca and Christina Rosenvinge
French writer Virginie Despentes is one of modern feminism’s most vigorous voices. Despentes, who left home and gave up her studies at 17 to become a prostitute and a punk, is the author of the novel Baise-moi (Rape Me), the Vernon Subutex trilogy and the autobiographical ...
Fina Birulés and Marta Segarra
Equality and Freedom
Fina Birulés, lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona and a key figure of feminist thought in Catalonia, speaks with Marta Segarra, curator of the exhibition “Choreographies of Gender”, in a dialogue moderated by the sociologist and trans activist Miquel Missé...
Paula Bonet
The Pregnant Body Without a Foetus
The story of the feminist revolution bravely shows the taboos that women have faced. The art of Paula Bonet is a clear example when it comes to focusing on the dramatic experiences of women, previously silenced by heteropatriarchal culture. Bonet’s literature, as well as exposing and ...
Mari Luz Esteban
A Feminism in transformation
Feminist activist and lecturer in Social Anthropology, Mari Luz Esteban, speaks about the role of feminism in recent years and discusses some of the new challenges it will have to face.
Mona Eltahawy and Najat El Hachmi
Genuine Freedom
The daughters of Muslim families in Europe must face different challenges to defend their individual freedoms and their emancipation as women. On the one hand, the patriarchal traditions that come from their country of origin, intimately linked with religion. On the other, the onslaughts of ...
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Talk with Anna Guitart
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is one of the internationally best known Nigerian writers. In this conversation with culture journalist Anna Guitart, she speaks of key issues in her work such as the African diaspora, the issue of race, feminism and the political situation in the United States. Chimamanda ...
Today’s feminist creators
This session brougth together some of today’s most outstanding creators committed to feminism. From the conviction that creation is a stance and an opportunity to question everything, these artists tried to find answers, and took on the risks with humour, poetry, music, live graffiti, ...
Rita Segato and Gabriela Wiener
The City of Women
Anthropologist Rita Segato considers that the violence suffered by many women is just the cruellest extreme of a system of domination of one half of society over the other that arises in dozens of everyday situations. And that the only possible solution is a new approach to gender in education ...
Vivian Gornick
Conversation with Anna Guitart
New York writer Vivian Gornick, one of the world’s most distinguished and respected women writers and feminists, talks about the creative process and feminism. Gornick has written several books, including the two memoirs, Fierce Attachments and The Odd Woman and the City. ...
Isa Calderón i Lucía Lijtmaer
Primera Persona 2017
Isa Calderón and Lucía Lijtmaer are leading figures in cultural journalism and feminist humour in Spain, as they show in this entertaining performance they gave at the 2017 Primera Persona Festival. Shortly after their show in Barcelona, they created “Deforme Semanal”, ...
Kate Bolick and Anna Gabriel
Talk in the Primera Persona 2017 Festival
Kate Bolick, author of the essay Spinster: Making a Life of One’s Own (published in Spanish as Solterona. La construcción de una vida propia, Malpaso Ediciones, 2016)—which explores in first person the issues considered in ...
Sara Ahmed. Feminist Killjoys
Sara Ahmed
Sara Ahmed is a British-Australian feminist writer and academic whose work centres on the intersection between feminism, queer theory and postcolonial criticism. Ahmed studies the everyday world as a place where power is consolidated and can therefore also be called into question. In 2004 she ...
I am not your periphery
Karo Moret
Afrofeminism or black feminism is a current of thought that defends that sexism, class oppression and racism are closely related with what is known as intersectionality. Karo Moret, a researcher at Pompeu Fabra University and expert in African culture, writes in this article about Afropeans, ...
Women and Public Space: Control (chapter 1)
Soy Cámara online
Script, direction and production: IngridGuardiola Language: Spanish, Catalan, English, French Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 16 min Synopsis: On 24 August, a woman on the beach at Nice (a city recently hit by terrorism) was forced to remove her burkini in a public exhibition and humiliation by the forces of security.
Where are the Women?
Soy cámara online
“Where are the women?” looks at the pressing issue of women’s scant presence in positions of responsibility in science.