Mission ALIA
Science and creation for secondary schools with the Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya
Mission ALIA is an educational project that relates scientific dissemination with literary and artistic creation. Six groups of young people studying in secondary schools in Barcelona will immerse themselves in some of the most outstanding research programs of the Institute for Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC). Accompanied by the scientists who lead them, a science fiction writer and an artist, they will write their own "Martian chronicles", which will be part of the CCCB's programming. What if Mars is on Earth?
Martian Waves. Science, literature, and live radio
Recording of a live podcast
Closing festivities of the "ALIA Mission", an educational project relating popularisation of science with literary and artistic creation, with the conversation of the astrophysicist Fatoumata Kébé with Miquel Sureda, and the recording of a live podcast with the schools and scientists involved.
Inés Macpherson
Sistemes de suport vital en una base marciana. Imaginar des de la ciència ficció.
Laia Ribas
La vida en hàbitats extrems
Life on our planet faces imminent problems: in the midst of climate change and on the threshold of an ecological emergency. Could the Earth, in this situation, continue to be the cradle of Humanity in the future? Laia Ribas, a marine science researcher who has recently participated in ...
Miquel Sureda
Peaceful exploration, settlement and exploitation of the space
Elon Musk affirms that "we have a moral obligation to colonize space to guarantee the continuity of the human species." But do we really have the right to do so? Miquel Sureda, physicist and aeronautical engineer specialized in space propulsion, spoke about peaceful exploration, colonization ...
Guillem Anglada-Escudé
Designing a Sustainable Martian City: The Nüwa Case
For thousands of years, human beings have had the will to explore further and try to know their place in the universe. Now it is known that he is considering the option that the planet Mars could be the next great leap to found a civilization. The first year high school students from the Institut ...
Carme Jordi
Expansion through the galaxy and terraforming
Exploitation of natural resources, ecological footprint, overpopulation ... How many planets are necessary to maintain our lifestyle? Stephen Hawking was convinced that the solution is to inhabit other worlds and Mars is undoubtedly the closest terrestrial analog. Is this really the solution ...
Ignasi Ribas
Cerca de vida, consciència alienígena i civilitzacions
Is there life outside of planet Earth? Has Mars been inhabited? What does "technological civilization" or "intelligent" mean? How could we communicate on an interstellar scale? The 4th year ESO students at Col·legi Sant Gabriel have worked for weeks around these and many other questions. Thursday, April 8, they were able to share them with Ignacio Ribas, the director of the Institute for Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) and an expert in exoplanet research and instrumentation for the discovery and characterization of new Earth-like planets. ...