The Transformation of Intimacy
Debate at CCCB
The Transformation of Intimacy. From Introspection to Hyper-connection
Lecture by Paula Sibilia
The last decade has seen a proliferation of media and artistic channels that “exhibit intimacy”, which suggests a transformation of subjectivities and points to new ways of living and being in the world.
The Transformation of Intimacy. An Open Secret
Lecture by José Luis Pardo
Intimacy, until recently a slightly old-fashioned and even kitsch theme, is now invading all spheres of society. Might not this unlimited circulation of information all around us be endangering intimacy? Are we not confusing it with privateness? Where is this excessive exaltation of subjectivity ...
The Transformation of Intimacy. Redemption of Intimacy in the Work of Art and Science
Lecture by Víctor Gómez Pin
The work of art and the work of science entail effecting an inner immersion, not to shore up one’s own universe but to redeem it, opening up space to cultivate the metaphor and the formula.