Ageing Democracies
Political Participation and Cultural Values among the Elderly in Europe
In 2050, about 30% of the EU population will be over 65 years. Will an older Europe be a more conservative Europe? The idea that the degeneration of liberal democratic values is somehow related to Europe’s older population has absolutely no grounding in the facts. To confront these prejudices and provide a more thorough reflection on the politics of ageing, the Centre for Contemporary Culture and the Open Society Initiative for Europe have teamed up to produce the Ageing Democracies project.
Will an older Europe be a more conservative Europe?
Interviews with Maja Daniels, Achim Goerres, Ingrid Guardiola, Pedro Olalla, Jordi Vaquer and Vicenç Villatoro.
Through five fellowships granted to a multidisciplinary team of cultural researchers, Ageing Democracies links academic research with cultural reflection and critical debate to dismantle the myths and stereotypes about the implications of Europe’s changing demographics. This video presents the main ideas of the project with interventions by Vicenç Villatoro, director of the CCCB, Jordi Vaquer, regional director for Europe of the Open Society Foundations and Ingrid Guardiola, Pedro Olalla, Maja Daniels and Achim Goerres, Ageing Democracies researchers. ...
Ageing Democracies?
Carlos Delclós | Susana Arias
Ageing Democracies es una iniciativa de investigación internacional sobre las consecuencias políticas y culturales del envejecimiento de la población en Europa. A través de cinco trabajos de un equipo multidisciplinar de expertos, Ageing Democracies enlaza ...