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Local, local!

The city to come

To mark the 30th anniversary of the return of democratic councils, the CCCB is preparing an exhibition about the fundamental changes experienced by towns and cities and the territory in general in these last 30 years.

It will look at the most obvious transformations to have been undergone by cities and towns, and the territory in general, in relation to the processes of growth, new uses of public space and the changes brought about by technological advances. These are the themes underlying the three sections of the exhibition: Forms of City, the Information Society and New Imaginaries, New Forms of Co-existence.

Curators: Francesc Muñoz

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Report "Local, local! The city to come"

To mark the 30th anniversary of the return of democratic councils, the CCCB presents an exhibition about the fundamental changes experienced by towns and cities and the territory in general in these last 30 years.

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Interview with Francesc Muñoz

"Local, local! The city to come" curator

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Exhibition images

Previous activities

Round table: “The City to Come: Futures in Question”

To mark the presentation of the catalogue of the exhibition “Local, local!”

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