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Agnès Varda

Varda Revelry

Opening Party of the exhibition "Agnès Varda"



Summer is a time for dancing and revelry, and what better moment than the opening of the exhibition "Agnès Varda" to celebrate a musical evening with"Evripidis’ Jukebox".

Behind the name "Evripidis' Jukebox" is the Athenian musician Evripidis and His Tragedies, a multifaceted artist and cultural agitator who has been living in Barcelona for 20 years. Evripidis will be putting the music to the celebrations, with a selection of pop songs inspired by the films of Agnès Varda. We’d go so far as to say that this music session would have been very much to the liking of Agnès Varda, who also had Greek origins and always channelled joie de vivre in her personal and artistic life.

19:00 - 22:00 – Open doors to the exhibition
20:00 - 22:00 – DJ set "Evripidis’ Jukebox" at the Pati de les Dones + beer, courtesy of Damm.

Participants: Evripidis and His Tragedies

This activity is part of Agnès Varda

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