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Urban Explorations

Urban Explorations

Lived cities and critical cartographies


Project with young people from two secondary schools in Barcelona to get to know their neighbourhoods and create an unconventional map of the place where they live. This process of reflecting on the urban environment and the memory of the city ends with the creation of an artistic project.

"Urban Explorations" is a permanent CCCB project that explores the things that don't feature on conventional maps. Over the course of three months, a hundred young people from two Barcelona secondary schools take to the streets, recording on a map of their neighbourhood not only things of personal importance, but also the bonds and forces that shape the life of the community.

This year, the project is bringing together students from the Raval and Can Baró neighbourhoods to exchange experiences, with the support of the Androna Cultura collective and the collaboration of Versembrant. The end result of this process is a map and an artistic project in which the imaginaries of the young participants intertwine with reflections on the urban environment and the memory of the city.

The project forms part of the Can Baró Neighbourhood Plan programme.

Curators: Androna Cultura

Participants: Androna Cultura, Versembrant

This activity is part of Urban Explorations

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