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Dia Orwell 2024

Tom Burgis and Patrick Radden Keefe

Corruption, Kleptocrats, and Cuckooland


Patrick Radden Keefe speaks with the investigative journalist Tom Burgis about the power of elites to omit or misrepresent their stories in official narratives.

Tom Burgis is an English investigative journalist with The Guardian, whose work has focused on high-level corruption of political and business elites and the ways in which unscrupulous individuals in financial capitals like London have enabled and benefited from kleptocratic governments abroad. The conversation with Patrick Radden Keefe will focus on Tom Burgis' new book, Cuckooland: Where the Rich Own the Truth (William Collins, 2024), which reveals the extent to which elite malefactors exploit the legal system to rewrite or suppress their own histories.  

This conversation is part of the series "Fragile Truths", curated by Patrick Radden Keefe, in the framework of Resident CCCB, an international residency program of the CCCB in collaboration with the UOC.

Participants: Patrick Radden Keefe, Tom Burgis

This activity is part of Dia Orwell 2024, Orwell Day

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Dia Orwell 2024

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