Orwell Day
Timothy Garton Ash
Free speech under attack
On the occasion of Orwell Day, Timothy Garton Ash, the internationally renowned intellectual and author of the book Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World (published in Spanish as Libertad de palabra. Diez principios para un mundo conectado – Tusquets, 2017) will speak about the threats faced by free speech and debates about it, as well as the electoral rise of right-wing populism, laws against hate speech, and the conflicts arising between humour and religion.
On Orwell Day, 5 July, a literary route through George Orwell’s Barcelona (1½ hours; free of charge) will be offered in Catalan, Spanish and English, with the guides Nick Lloyd, Fernando Casal and Brendan von Briesen, and Catherine Howley, respectively. In order to consult the timetable and register for the tour, click here. For further information you may follow @DiaOrwell on Twitter (#DiaOrwell) and Dia Orwell 2014 on Facebook.
Presenters: Judit Carrera
Participants: Timothy Garton Ash
This activity is part of Orwell Day 2017, Orwell Day
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Timothy Garton Ash
Free speech under attack
Timothy Garton Ash, the internationally renowned intellectual and author of the book Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World, speaks about the threats faced by free speech and debates about it, as well as the electoral rise of right-wing populism, laws against hate speech, and the conflicts arising between humour and religion.