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The Future of Climate

Anna Sörensson and Francisco Doblas


Researchers Anna Sörensson and Francisco Doblas, members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), talk about the state of the efforts to cope with the climate emergency in a talk moderated by Professor Miquel Canals.

Each year, the IPCC publishes a report on the state of scientific, technical and socioeconomic knowledge on climate change, as well as its possible causes and impacts. This report, the most highly rated internationally, sets the pace for action to be taken in the face of the climate emergency and highlights the need for urgent global action. The latest report, warns us that the global temperature will rise 1,5°C in the next 20 years, but that with deep, rapid and sustained reductions in emissions it is possible to limit global warming to this level over the 21st century, avoiding additional risks for society and ecosystems.

In this session, organized together with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Francisco Doblas Reyes, Director of the Department of Earth Sciences at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and Anna Sörensson, researcher at the Instituto Franco-Argentino sobre Estudios de Clima y sus Impactos, will analyze the results of the 2022 report, of which they are the authors. What are the most important immediate challenges according to the report? How can they be addressed with a global perspective?

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The future of climate

Anna Sörensson and Francisco Doblas

Researchers Anna Sörensson and Francisco Doblas analyze the results of the 2022 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and talk about the state of the efforts to cope with the climate emergency in a talk moderated by professor Miquel Canals.

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