Raül Garrigasait and Perejaume
Art and Religion from Llull to Tàpies
Writer and teacher Raül Garrigasait speaks with artist Perejaume about the close connection between Catalan art and the spiritual and religious tradition on this occasion of the publication of the former’s essay La roca i l’aire. Art i religió de Llull a Tàpies (The Rock and the Air: Art and Religion from Llull to Tàpies, Fragmenta, 2025).
Thinking about aspects of the world of art like creation, transcendence, and inspiration leads us to understand how a good part of artistic language comes from the religious tradition. In his essay La roca i l’aire. Art i religió de Llull a Tàpies, writer and philologist Raül Garrigasait explores these connections with his exploration of works by such authors as Ramon Llull, Ausiàs March, Isabel de Villena, Josep Carner, Frederic Mompou, and Antoni Tàpies. At the same time, the artistic career of Perejaume also shows a deep interest in the sacred, and in the references that have marked a path in Catalan literary and artistic history.
On the occasion of the publication of La roca i l’aire, the title with which the publishing house Fragmenta celebrates the first hundred volumes of its “Assaig” (Essay) collection, Garrigasait and Perejaume speak about this link in Catalan thought between religion and art, both of which share a look of wonder on the Earth. This dialogue will be moderated by the art historian Mercè Vila Rigat.
Moderators: Mercè Vila Rigat
Participants: Raül Garrigasait, Perejaume