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Projections Xperimenta'09



Six film sessions presenting the most noteworthy or recent works by participants in the round tables also organized as part of Xperimenta09.The directors of the films will give a presentation and, after the screenings, discuss the films presented with the public.




Session 1, Thursday 26th February, 10 p.m..

Mock Up On Mu, Craig Baldwin. United States, 2008, 115 minutes, video * O.V Spanish subtitles.

Mock Up On Mu, Craig Baldwin.

Session 2, Friday 27th February, 6 p.m..

LUX TAAL, Claudio Caldini. Argentina, 2008, 5 min, 16 mm
Consecuencia, Claudio Caldini. Argentina, 1992, 3 min, 16 mm
Heliografía, Claudio Caldini. Argentina, 1193, 5 min, 16 mm
Phantom fremdes Wien Lisl Ponger. Austria, 1991-2004, 27 min, 35 mm
Instructions for a Light and Sound Machine, Peter Tscherkassky. Austria, 2005, 16 min, 35 mm

, Claudio Caldini.

Session 3, Friday 27th February, 10 p.m.

Cake and Steak, Abigail Child. United States, 2003-2004, 15 min, video
Footnotes to a House of Love, Laida Lertxundi. United States, 2006, 13 min, 16 mm
My Tears are Dry, Laida Lertxundi. United States, 2008, 4 min, 16 mm
True to Life, Gunvor Nelson. Sweden, 2006, 38 min, video

Cake and Steak, Abigail Child.

Session 4, Saturday 28th February, 6 p.m.

Os Waslala, Alberte Pagán. Spain, 2005, 14 min, video
Sans Titre Beijing, Yann Beauvais. France, 2006, 6 min, video
Hezraelah, Yann Beauvais. France, 2006, 44 seconds, video
Affection exonérante, Yann Beauvais. France, 2008, 6 min, video
Feedback, Esperanza Collado. España, 2005-2006, 6 min, vídeo
Last Lost, Eve Heller. United States, 1996, 14 min, 16 mm
Her Glacial Speed, Eve Heller. United States, 2001, 4 min, 16 mm

Last Lost, Eve Heller

Session 5, Sunday 1st March, 18.30 p.m.

IN A TIME OF WAR. Carte blanche by Abigail Child. Presentation of contemporary experimental films which deal with our times.

With the presence of Abigail Child.

73 Suspect Words. Peggy Ahwesh. United States, 2000, 2 min, video
Here, Fred Worden. United States, 2005, 11 min, video
Anaconda Targets. Dominic Angerame. United States, 2004, 11 min, video
Let Me Count the Ways 10, 9, 8,7, Leslie Thornton. United States, 2004, 20 min, 16 mm
War is Menstrual Envy, Nick Zedd. United States, 1998, 15 min, video

Let Me Count The Ways, 10, 9, 8, 7, Leslie Thornton

Session 6, Sunday 1st March, 8 p.m.

PERILOUS FICTIONS. A selection of works by Abigail Child, which use gestures as language, making use of radical strategies for rewriting narrative.

With the presence of the directress.

Perils, Abigail Child. United States, 1 in 986, 5 min, 16 mm
Covert Action, Abigail Child. United States, 1984, 9 min, 16 mm
Mayhem, Abigail Child. United States, 1987, 18 min, 16 mm
Dark Dark, Abigail Child. United States, 2001, 16 min, 16 mm
The future is behind you, Abigail Child. United States, 2004, 21 min, video
Mirror World, Abigail Child. United States, 2006, 12 min, video

Mirror World, Abigail Child

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