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Varda for families

Making Up Stories with Six Eyes

An oral storytelling laboratory


What stories can we imagine based on an image? In this workshop we’ll become detectives to find out what’s hidden behind Agnès Varda’s photograph Mardi gras. We’ll make up a story, recreate it and record it in a small audiovisual piece.

In this family activity, we’ll play at imagining the possible stories behind Agnès Varda’s enigmatic photograph Mardi gras. Where have these three beasts come from and where are they going? What did they have for dinner last night? What has brought them together?

We’ll make up a story, which we will then recreate and record on a small film set. The result will be a short collective film.

Participants: Drac Màgic

This activity is part of Agnès Varda, Varda for families

Other activities as part of

Varda for families

More information on the series