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Learning and dissemination activities of the S+T+ARTS artist residencies



At STARTS Academies, technologists and artists teach digital skills to kids and young adults in a playful way. Among other contributions, this helps to raise awareness on the opportunities, limits and potential pitfalls harboured by technology. 

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and the CCCB organize an IA creation workshop and a round table to reflect on art and science residencies.

11 October

10-11 a.m. Opening session: Art & Tech for a New Present – Building: Vèrtex UPC

Anna Carreras, digital artist and UPC student
Mario Santamaría, post-digital artist
Carles Sora, director CITM, UPC

11-13h Round table: Art programs and residencies at universities and research centres - Building: Vèrtex UPC

Mónica Bello, Arts at CERN Director
Evan Zyporin, Faculty Director, Centre for Art, Science & Technology, MIT
José Martínez de Pisón, UPV Cultural Program of residencies
Enric Giral, IRB Barcelona Artistic residencies program
Jorge Carrión, writer in residency at UPC
Moderator: Carme Fenoll, Director of UPC Department of Culture and Community

13 October

15-16.30h Workshop: Creating with IA. Repairing the Present UNITE! – Building: Vèrtex UPC

Workshop with Tomi Kauppinen, Director of Aalto Online Learning – Online Hybrid Lab, Aalto University, Finland. With the participation students from the STEAM UPC schools alliances and local experts S+T+Arts.

Organised in the frame of STEAM Conference Barcelona.

Upcoming activities at the CCCB

Espai B

An Artistic Space for Encounters and Experimentation

Organised by