Xcèntric. 2009-2010
Jukebox Cinema. Images at 33 rpm
Perfect Day is a compilation of musical images by the artist Ange Leccia, filmed between 1970 and 2007: self-portraits, private karaokes, videos for musicians. This montage of instants of beauty, visual splendour, melancholy and happiness, with songs and images of Lou Reed, Elli Madeiros, David Bowie and John Travolta, is startling in the way it captures in people’s faces the emotions that come to the surface when listening to popular songs. Renowned for his political work, with Perfect Day Leccia has made one of the best emotion pictures of recent years, giving form to “a utopia of love, built in the face of the present day” (Nicole Brenez).
True Romance, Ange Leccia. 2004, video, 5 min.
Perfect Day, Ange Leccia. 2008, video, 67 min.
Directors: Ange Leccia
This activity is part of Xcèntric. March-April 2010, Xcèntric. 2009-2010