Journalism Facing Fear
Patricia Simón, Jon Lee Anderson, Bob Pop and Magda Bandera
In this conversation the writer Bob Pop and the journalists Patricia Simón, Jon Lee Anderson and Magda Bandera speak about the role of journalism within a global context shaped by fear and the rise of authoritarianism in its various guises.
In today’s media, words seem to have lost the power they once had for connecting us with others. Although the work of journalists has never been easy, the challenges they face have multiplied in recent years with the emergence of a new, digital model of communication and also with the gradual precarisation of the profession. In Miedo. Viaje por un mundo que se resiste a ser gobernado por el odio (Fear: Journeying in a World That Resists being Ruled by Hate, Debate, 2022) the journalist and human rights specialist Patricia Simón confronts these challenges as she takes stock of her two decades in the profession.
Are we now totally anaesthetised when it comes to the suffering of others? How can we recover the power of words to light up the darkest corners of our societies and build bridges of solidarity? On the occasion of the launch of her book, Patricia Simón talks with the journalist Jon Lee Anderson, who has covered some of the major conflicts of recent decades, director of La Marea Magda Bandera and the writer Bob Pop about the challenges of a journalism that is exposed to the fears and uncertainties ruling over the present.
Jon Lee Anderson participates by videoconference.
Participants: Jon Lee Anderson, Roberto Enríquez (Bob Pop), Patricia Simón, Magda Bandera
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rPatricia Simón, Jon Lee Anderson and Magda Bandera
Journalism Facing Fea
In this conversation the journalists Patricia Simón, Jon Lee Anderson and Magda Bandera speak about the role of journalism within a global context shaped by fear and the rise of authoritarianism in its various guises.