Xcèntric. 11th season 2011-2012
Impossible Landscapes/Psychogeography
The notion of psychogeography, conceived by the Situationists in the mid-1950s, consists in studying the effects of the geographical medium on the affective behaviour of individuals. Psychogeographic poetics differs from the panoptical approach in that it focuses on subjective statements and differential itineraries within the landscape rather than its globalizing, scientific, alternative observation. In the films in this session, observation of the landscape is constantly supplanted by the expression of a vision, of an emotion or of a voice. Noises, graphic interventions and superposition of the myth over reality are fantastic strategies used here to counteract the global screen’s will to supremacy...
- Oh, I Can’t Stop!, Zbigniew Rybczynski, Polònia, 1975, 35mm, 10 min
- Line, Grzegorz Rogala, Polònia, 1981, 35mm, 7 min
- Pasadena Freeway Stills, Gary Beydler, Estats Units, 1974, 16 mm, 6 min
- Hernals, Hans Scheugl, Àustria, 1967, 16 mm, 12 min
- The Girl Chewing Gum, John Smith, Regne Unit, 1976, 16 mm, 12 min
- Under Construction, Zhenchen Liu, Xina-França, 2007, vídeo, 10 min
- Fuji, Robert Breer, Estats Units, 1973, 16 mm, 9 min
- Höhenrausch, Siegfried A.Fruhauf, Àustria, 1999, 16 mm, 4 min
- Camping Cezanne, Thomas Steiner, Alemanya, 2009, vídeo, 8 min 30 s.
Directors: Zbigniew Rybczynski, Grzegorz Rogala, Gary Beydler, Hans Scheugl, John Smith, Zhenchen Liu, Robert Breer, Siegfried A. Fruhauf, Thomas Steiner
This activity is part of Global Screen, Xcèntric. January-February 2012, Xcèntric. 11th season 2011-2012