Gandules'14 - Gas Natural Fenosa
Aquí y allá
Aquí y allá
Antonio Méndez Esparza
2012, Mexico/Spain/USA, DCP, 110’, Spanish subtitles
Cannes Festival – Critics Week: FIPRESCI Prize
After working for several years in the United States, a man returns to Sierra de Guerrero, his village. There he is reunited with his wife and their two daughters, who are rather distant. Gradually he manages to reconnect and love grows anew, but repeated economic problems and job insecurity lead him once again to consider the idea of immigration, like many Mexicans. He finds himself faced with a dilemma that he has to resolve, one way or another, for the good of his family.
9 dies
Imma Gandia and David Castro
2014, Spain, video, 13’ 4”, VO (es, ca)
Finalist of the Short Film Competition Gandules'14
Through the life of Jou, a survivor of the exodus of Africans to Europe, this documentary explores the parallels between the situation of Jews described by Hannah Arendt (The Origins of Totalitarianism) and the experiences of today’s emigrants from southern countries.
See the complete programme of Gandules'14 - Gas Natural Fenosa. This August you will also find in Filmin’s website a great selection of films based on the topic Away from Home.
This activity is part of Gandules'14 - Gas Natural Fenosa, Gandules