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Fila zero

Fila Zero presents the film SON & MOON, by Manuel Huerga



Session three of FILA ZERO with Manuel Huerga

This session features director MANUEL HUERGA, presenting his latest film project: the documentary SON & MOON, premiered at the recent Sitges Festival.

Born in Barcelona in 1957, Manuel Huerga has worked his way through the gamut of audiovisual production since he started making low-budget experimental films in the 1970s. He worked at TV3 on the programme Estoc de pop before going on to direct Arsenal. His 10 years at the forefront of BTV left an indelible mark on the way television is produced.

As a filmmaker, he has directed two full-length films (Antártida, 1995, and Salvador, 2006), but it is in the field of creative documentary and visual research that he has carved out a niche for his own highly personal way of understanding cinema.

Proof of this is SON & MOON, a film about a collective dream: walking on the moon, travelling in space and setting out to discover new worlds. He uses two storylines. The main thread tells of Spanish astronaut Michael López Alegria’s relationship with his young son while preparing to leave for the Space Station and during the time he spends there.

The other thread is provided by his memories of a film that had a profound impact on him. Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey hangs over the film like a protective shadow, offering a comparison of situations between the fiction of 1968 and the reality of 2008.

This session is a good opportunity to talk to Huerga about the way he sees cinema, television and documentary.

SON & MOON, by Manuel Huerga (2009, 90 minutes)

More information: :

Directors: Manuel Huerga

This activity is part of Fila zero 2009, Fila zero

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