Biennial of Thought
Dialogue between Gayatri Spivak and Marina Garcés
Education of the Future
Globalisation and the new era of accelerated mass information require careful in-depth thinking about education, which presently runs the risk of becoming part of a trend which imposes parameters like efficiency, performance and speed.
Addressing this reality, the Indian thinker, Gayatri Spivak calls for slow education and defends the role of local schools and teachers. One of the world’s best known postcolonialism theorists, Spivak advocates creating spaces that are independent of the dominant culture to give voice to the most vulnerable members of society and offer them the opportunity to escape from their subaltern condition. She herself puts this idea into practice with a project in which she works with teachers from rural schools around Kolkata.
Gayatri Spivak will discuss her ideas with the philosopher Marina Garcés, who argues that education must be emancipatory, and that it should happen not only in homes and schools but also be recognised as affecting social coexistence as a whole.
Participants: Marina Garcés, Gayatri Spivak
This activity is part of Open City Thinking Biennale 2018, Biennial of Thought
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Gayatri Spivak and Marina Garcés
Education of the Future
The Indian thinker Gayatri Spivak calls for slow education and defends the role of local schools and teachers. One of the world’s best known postcolonialism theorists, Spivak advocates creating spaces that are independent of the dominant culture to give voice to the most vulnerable members ...