ISEA2022 Barcelona
"DïaloG" by Refik Anadol and Maurice Benayoun
Large-scale interactive installation
Audiovisuals + Festivals
The highlights of the programme open to the public of ISEA2022 Barcelona include the appearance of "DïaloG" in Plaça Joan Coromines. It is a large-scale interactive installation which explores the themes of otherness, strangeness and immigration.
The work by Refik Anadol and Maurice Benayoun emerged from the European project MindSpaces by S+T+Arts, and presents two pieces which are both works of art and alien, and have to face a new environment to which they do not belong. They must adapt their language, construct shared knowledge and integrate all the new mechanisms and natural phenomena that constitute their current environment, including the audience. "DïaloG" is a reflection on the difficulty involved in building a mutual understanding that goes beyond social and cultural differences. It endeavours to capture the emergence of the work of art as a subject which is not only able to learn from its environment, but also able to engage in a dialogue with its audience.
This activity is part of ISEA2022 Barcelona