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Xcèntric. 2009-2010


When It Was Blue, Jennifer Reeves


Jennifer Reeves is one of the most prolific experimental filmmakers. Her work walks the line between pictorial abstraction and the stamp of the photographic image, and plays at upsetting the linearity of filmic time by using multiple projections. In this frenetic double projection 16-mm film, Reeves leaves her corner of New York to film in distant landscapes—Iceland, New Zealand, Central America, the United States—and then paint on the celluloid, creating variable tones of blue. With Blue, Reeves refers to planet Earth and devotes the work to the natural landscape and everything that is fading, diminishing and disappearing. Blue also has the connotation of anguish, which floats like a symbol in this marathon of textures and reflective depth.

When It Was Blue, Jennifer Reeves, 2008, double projection in 16 mm, 68 min.


Directors: Jennifer Reeves

This activity is part of Xcèntric. Mai-June 2010, Xcèntric. 2009-2010

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