Children's animated film sessions CONFLICTS!
Various authors, 58’, Canada-France-Germany, SD
A selection of animated films that use imaginative characters to explore themes such as tolerance, conflicts and their consequences.
WHEN THE DUST SETTLES by Louise Johnson, Canada, 1997. 7'
Two moles make life impossible for each other as feelings of hate and vengeance grow. When they have practically destroyed each other's burrows, they start to wonder if there is a possible solution.
FRANCESC LO VALENT by Carles Porta, France, 2001, 10'
From out of the earth comes a small army set on destruction. One of its members turns his back on war and journeys through the war-ravaged landscape.
DINNER FOR TWO by Janet Perlman. Canada, 1996, 7'
Two chameleons put an end to the peace that had reigned in the forest. The conflict has catastrophic results: relations become strained, opportunities are lost, the innocent get hurt and violence is imminent. Luckily, a frog who sees it all becomes a mediator in the conflict.
ELBOW ROOM by Diane Obomsawin. Canada, 2002, 8' 19"
An office-worker is bothered by his new colleague. Conflict breaks out and they start to make life impossible for each other. The conflict is eventually resolved by negotiation.
SWAMP by Gil Alkabetz. Germany, 1991. 11'
Horsemen suspended from giant balloons divide up into two armies. The losers fall into the swamp and drown. No-one wins. Elementary graphics in a simple, original and powerful narrative by this Israeli film-maker.
EX-ENFANT by Jackes Drouin. Canada, 1994. 5'
A boy becomes a soldier. In the war, he loses everything, from his family to his childhood. Based on article 38 of the Children's Rights Convention on non-obligation of children under the age of 15 to enrol in the army.
BULLY DANCE by Janet Perlman. Canada, 2001. 10'
The strong triumph over the weak. Using outline characters and an excellent soundtrack, dance becomes a parable of society, reflecting on the abuse of the weak. Produced with the collaboration of Unicef.
This activity is part of At war,