Bunny Lake Is Missing
Sin 5: envy
Bunny Lake Is Missing*
Otto Preminger
1965 / United Kingdom / 35 mm / 107 min / Original version with Spanish subtitles
One of the lesser-known films of Otto Preminger, but also one of his best. An essay on paranoia, Bunny Lake is Missing is the story of the disappearance of a little girl and the construction of the climate of madness it brings about. Torment, envy and dementia govern the characters in this perfect hybrid of family melodrama, suspense and horror film. It is an especially fabulous film when it parts company with reason and enters the realm of nightmare.
*Not recommended for under-13s.
Check the rest of the programme of Gandules'16 - Gas Natural Fenosa I Have Sinned.
This activity is part of Gandules'16 - Gas Natural Fenosa, Gandules