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Inside the brain

Brain Film Fest short film selection / Solé Tura Award

Screening as part of the exhibition “Brain(s)”



To mark World Alzheimer’s Day and World Mental Health Day, these sessions of the "Inside the Brain" film cycle offer a selection of the best short films of the last five years of the Brain Film Fest, addressing various issues that affect our brain, such as anxiety, obsession, Alzheimer’s and even prosopagnosia.

Panic Attack by Eileen O'Meara, 2016, USA, 3', Subtitled in Spanish
Have you ever wondered "Have I left the coffee on?" or "Am I pregnant with a devil-baby?" This animated short explores anxiety, obsession and one woman's slippery hold on reality.

Carlotta's Face by Valentin Riedl and Frédéric Schuld, 2018, Germany, 5', Subtitled in Spanish
Through art, Carlotta overcomes a strange condition in her brain that prevents her from recognising faces. An animated short in documentary format that sheds light on prosopagnosia, winner of several international awards after being screened at more than 200 festivals around the world.

Accident de personne by Álvaro Martín, 2018, Spain, 4', Subtitled in Spanish
We create metaphors for the facts that nobody wants to talk about.

Julia y Manuel by Iñaki Sánchez Arrieta, 2017, Spain, 12'
Julia likes pigeons and sunshine. Manuel likes listening to his favourite songs on the radio. The problem is that Julia's pigeons don't like Manuel's songs.

Mi nombre es Alba by Jonathan Cortés, 2019, Spain, 12'
Alba believes she's the only person who can care for her mother who's suffering from Alzheimer's. She refuses to let herself be helped, unaware that this is jeopardising not only her own welfare but also her mother's.

Disparue (Gone) by Joan Bentosela, 2019, France, 13', Subtitled in Spanish
A quarrelsome family is travelling on the road and stops at a petrol station. Murielle, the mother, insists on having the car washed.

OF (Sigh) by Vlad Bolgarin, 2019, Moldova, 15'
A story of a grey man who's always sighing. Living in a smog-covered grey city, he keeps on sighing until he dries out and becomes nothing but skin and bones. But there's light and colour even in the darkest corners of the soul.

Cuando no esté Lola (When Lola is Gone) by Cristina R. Orosa and Beatriz Romero, 2019, Spain, 14'
*With audio description and accessible for the deaf.
José María Pendón is a thirty-nine-year-old deafblind man from Malaga who hasn't seen or heard anything since he was eleven. His mother is his only form of contact with the outside world. Lola is seventy-six and has always accompanied him tirelessly. But what will happen when she's no longer around?

Good Thanks, You? by Molly Manning, 2020, USA, 12', Subtitled in Spanish
After being attacked, Amy is left voiceless, caught in a whirlwind of incompetence. She must find a way to cope in order to save what matters most to her.

This activity is part of Brain(s), Inside the brain

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