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A quantum future: the next technological revolution?

A Talk With Antonio Acín, Aurelio Juste and Clivia Sotomayor


The ICREA research professors Aurelio Juste (IFAE-UAB), Clivia Sotomayor (ICN2-UAB), and Antonio Acín (ICFO-UPC) will discuss the technology that has been developed thanks to quantum physics while also considering the point we are at now with regard to a new technological revolution.

Quantum physics is not just a scientific theory but also the basis of major technological developments that have marked recent history. Laser, transistors, atomic watches, and magnetic resonance, among other inventions, are fruit of our knowledge of particle physics.

Over the years, computing has become the main field of quantum experimentation. The quantum computers of the future, capable of doing enormous calculations at high speed and of factoring large numbers, can also decipher the whole of present-day cryptography. What political, economic, and social consequences will this phenomenon have? How will the new quantum revolution affect us?

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Antonio Acín, Aurelio Juste and Clivia Sotomayor

A quantum future: the next technological revolution?

Over the years, computing has become the main field of quantum experimentation. The quantum computers of the future, capable of doing enormous calculations at high speed and of factoring large numbers, can also decipher the whole of present-day cryptography. What political, economic, and social ...

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