Through Labyrinths
The labyrinth as a construction and a symbol is present in many cultural traditions of humanity and, as pointed out by Eco, the thousands of years of history of this figure reveal the fascination that it has always aroused in humankind, representing as it does an aspect of the human condition: there are countless situations which are easy to get into but from which it is very difficult to extract oneself. The exhibition, scripted by Ramon Espelt, curated and designed by Oscar Tusquets and with Jorge Wagensberg as advisor, reviews the concept and representation of the labyrinth throughout history.
After the success in terms of visitor numbers to the exhibition running at the CCCB from 28 July 2010 to 9 January 2011, it will be presented from February to May 2011 at one of the organisations with which the CCCB has worked most closely in recent years: Bancaja.