The future of our species
Singapore / ArtScience Museum
+HUMANS, a co-production of the CCCB and the Science Gallery of Trinity College Dublin, is on its way to being shown in Singapore’s ArtScience Museum. +HUMANS, which has had more than 150,000 visitors, explores possible paths into the future of our species with particular attention to emerging technologies and our cultural and ethical milieus. What does it mean to be human today? What will the human being be like in a hundred years’ time? +HUMANS presents several domains from which to approach this uncertainty about the future of human beings, while also helping us to explore new settings for our development as a species.
As the exhibition’s subtitle suggests, +HUMANS speaks of “The Future of Our Species”, showing all the advances which, limited to the realms of the imagination just a few years ago, are now challenging us with ever-greater intensity. A series of sciences and technologies leads into most of the works displayed and these are combined with profound, enriching discussion. The visitor may feel dizzy when faced with the unknown but this is part of our present and will, undoubtedly, shape our future.
The touring +HUMANS exhibition has been conceived in keeping with the four pre-existing lines of content: Augmented Abilities, Encountering Others, Authoring Environments, and Life at the Edges. These areas reflect on several questions. What does it mean to be human? When do we cease to be humans? Where is the dividing line between human and +human? Cyborgs, clones and other types of present and future beings appear in this show together with graphic and visual art, installations and other forms of presentation, all of which are embraced by the artist Cathrine Kramer, executive curator of the exhibition.
The ArtScience Museum is now presenting this unique show which, giving shape to a whole mesh of tensions built up around a still-undetermined “us”, is now travelling in search of different gazes, seeking to add new questions and, if possible, to provide new answers.
Curators: Cathrine Kramer