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BCNmp7. 2014

Music in process

The BCNmp7 cycle was created in 2006, since when it has showcased Barcelona’s musical specificity, not forgetting the increasingly intense communicating vessels between cities, regions and global tendencies. 2014 marks the start of a phase that aims to incorporate new voices in a dialogue that has produced this year’s five proposals:

Session #1: Uncontrollable Music // Thursday, 6 March
Programmed by: Los Cuatro Cocos and Sidewalk Bookings

Session #2: The Barcelona Industrial/New Wave Scenery in Perspective // Wednesday, 16 April
Programmed by: Boston Pizza Records and Domestica Records

Session #3: It Kills Me but I Love It: Genealogy of Zeidun // Thursday, 15 May
Programmed by: Gent Normal and La Fonoteca

Session #4: Barcelona, Magnetic City // Thursday, 2 October
Programmed by: Sones and Aurelio Santos

Session #5: Music Policies // Thursday, 13 November
Programmed by: Indigestió/Nativa and Internet 2 with the collaboration of Fundación Robo

This activity is part of BCNmp7

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BCNmp7. «It kills me but I like it»: genealogy of Zeidun

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Previous activities

BCNmp7. Musical Policies

Musics in Process

BCNmp7. Barcelona, Magnetic City

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BCNmp7. «It Kills Me but I Love It»: Genealogy of Zeidun

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BCNmp7. The Industrial/New Wave Scene in Barcelona in Perspective

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BCNmp7. Uncontrollable Music

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