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Il·luminacions / Iluminaciones

Catalunya visionària / Cataluña visionaria


Catalan , Spanish 18€ Buy

The catalogue follows in the footsteps of Walter Benjamin to trace the visionary antecedents that precede and shape the vision of modern and post-modern Catalonia, showing us the philosophical, scientific, literary and popular cultural sources which inspire or foster these visions.

A journey through the art that connects thought and creation in Catalonia from the age of Ramon Llull to the present day.


Authors: Pere Sánchez Ferrer, Friedhelm Mennekes, Marisa Garcia Vergara, Patrícia Gabancho, Cristina Masanés, Pilar Parcerisas, Jordi Castellanos, Juan Ramon Resina

Publication year: 2009

Pages: 336

Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.

Images in colour: 350

978-84-9803-327-4 (català / castellano)


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