Leading Lights of the 20th Century
Between 1998 and 2001, the CCCB presented Leading Lights of the 20th Century, a series of installations based on some of the century's most influential figures without whom science, art and thought could not have undergone the radical changes that have taken place in the last one hundred years.
Leading Lights of the 20th Century was a cycle of exhibitions that reviewed some of these figures (Marx, Freud, Nietzsche, Edison, Einstein, Virginia Wolf, Le Corbusier, Orson Welles and Marcel Duchamp) by means of a dynamic and critical montage that offered a whole new form of aesthetic experiences, a synthesis of the interpretative work of a specialist and the aesthetic proposal of a creator.
On the basis of Leading Lights of the 20th Century, between 2001 and 2003 the CCCB created Multimedia Leading Lights On Line with a view to extending creative space and stimulating multimedia production. All the work of multimedia creators, they had to take as their central theme one of the most influential figures of the 20th century, including some of those featured in the cycle of installations and others suggested by the artists themselves.