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Verònica Giménez Fos

Verònica Giménez graduated as a social worker in 1998 and took a postgraduate in systemic family intervention. She began her professional work, always in specialised fields, in the third sector (drug addiction and the elderly), until in 2006 she began her career as a public servant with Barcelona City Council, first working for the Child and Adolescent Care Teams (EAIA) and later as head of the Agency for a Comprehensive Approach to Sex Work (ABITS - 2014). At the end of 2016, she set up and then coordinated the Municipal Unit against Human Trafficking (UTEH), where she still works today.

In 2018 she was awarded the Medal of Civic Merit from the City Police Force for her work at ABITS and UTEH in combating human trafficking. ABITS also received the Meninas Award from the Delegation of the Government of Spain to Catalonia for its work in tackling gender violence, as well as in the field of the human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, while Verònica was in charge of the Agency.

Update: 17 November 2021

Has participated in

Breaking the silence

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women