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Stan Vanderbeek

Artist and filmmaker

The pioneer in underground film Stan VanDerBeek (USA, 1927-1984) studied painting, architecture and design. In the latter half of the fifties he produced a series of animated collages that were the best-known part of his body of film, later inspiring other creators, such as Terry Gilliam, the author of Monty Python’s famous animations. In his works of cut-out animation, VanDerBeek experimented by mixing calligraphy and painted elements with real images filmed by others or by himself. Interested in the connection between art and new technologies, in the sixties he produced multimedia works and computer animation, and in the seventies he created the Movie Drome, an audiovisual laboratory for the projection of films, dance, theatre, magic, and visual and sound effects, putting into practice his ideas about expanded cinema.

Update: 5 February 2021

Has participated in

Mars: warm abstraction, scientific friction

Xcèntric Archive

Flashes of beauty

Xcèntric Archive

Xcèntric Archive "Black Light"

Exquisite collages II

Saturday 12

Welcome to the secret society II.

Natural histories, of animals and expeditions (for Joan Fontcuberta)


Xcèntric Archive