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Sofia Näsström

Professor of Political Theory at Uppsala University, Sofia Näsström specialises in studying the present challenges faced by democracy and also by states. She has analysed problems including barriers to political participation, precarity as a threat to the preservation of democracy, legitimacy of groups and movements that claim to represent the views of the general population, and the need to overcome the problem of corruption in order to revitalise democracies. She has published articles and essays in several academic journals and is author of the monographic studies The Spirit of Democracy: Corruption, Disintegration, Renewal (Oxford University Press, 2021) and, in Swedish, Demokrati. En liten bok om en stor sak (Democracy: A Small Book on a Big Question). She is presently working on a new book titled Democracy and the Social Question: Sharing Uncertainty in Uncertain Times, in which she stresses the need to include social justice as part of the notion of democracy itself.

Update: 16 February 2024


Has participated in

Climate and Capital: Challenges of Democracy Today

Craig Calhoun, Dilip Gaonkar, Lars Tønder and Sofia Näsström

Climate, Capital and Democracy
