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Sílvia Soler

Sílvia Soler, with a long career in journalism and as a writer, has recently published several best-selling novels

In 2013, she was awarded the Ramon Llull Prize for her very successful L’estiu que comença, which sold more than 30,000 copies. She is also author of Petons de diumenge (Columna, winner of the 2008 Prudenci Bertrana Prize) and has written the series 39+1. L’edat en què una dona sap que l’home de la seva vida és ella mateixa (Columna, 2005), which was adapted for television. Un any i mig (2015) is her most recent publishing success.

Update: 22 June 2017


Has participated in

Against Digital Saturation

With Roberto Casati, Jordi Puntí and Sílvia Soler