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Sandra Ezquerra


Sandra Ezquerra has a degree in History and Anthropology from the University of Barcelona and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Oregon, in the United States. In 2008, she presented her thesis, which is titled The Regulation of the South-North Transfer of Reproductive Labor: Filipino Women in Spain and the United States. She is presently working as a researcher in the Department of Social Inclusion and Citizenship (Institute of Government and Public Policy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona). She has been a visiting research fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, and in Manila (Philippines). Her main areas of research are social, labour and immigration policies and their impact on different social groups and, in particular, a study of policies from the standpoint of gender. In recent years she has published a number of articles related with these concerns in the United States, the Philippines and Spain.


Update: 17 April 2012


Has participated in

Reinventing Democracy in Europe

For a New Politics of Common Interest