Robert Meister
Professor of Social and Political Thought in the Department of History of Consciousness at the University of California, Santa Cruz, he is director of the Bruce Initiative on Rethinking Capitalism. His interests include moral and political philosophy, law and social theory, Marxist theory, and institutional analysis and he has published articles in the academic reviews Topoi, Studies in American Political Development, and Apeiron. One of the areas of his research is the transformation of capitalism in the financial sphere and, in 2021, he published Justice Is an Option. A Democratic Theory of Finance for the Twenty-First Century (The Chicago University Press, 2021). He is also author of After Evil: A Politics of Human Rights (Columbia University Press, 2011), a critique of the global humanitarian discourse that followed the fall of communism in 1989, and Political Identity. Thinking Through Marx (Blackwell Publishers, 1991).
Update: 16 February 2024