Ricardo Devesa
Architect, teacher, and editor-in-chief at Actar and urbanNext, publications specialised in architecture and design. Ricardo Devesa is a graduate of the School of Architecture of Valencia and holds a PhD in Architectural Design from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He currently teaches at the School of Architecture of La Salle in Barcelona and at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC). He has served as a member of the editorial board of the magazine Quaderns d'Arquitectura i Urbanisme and was a member of the editorial staff at the magazine Basa, for which he was awarded a mention for the FAD Thought and Criticism Award 2009. He is co-editor of Otra mirada. Posiciones contra crónicas. La acción crítica como reactivo en la arquitectura española reciente, (Gustavo Gili, 2010), as well as Barcelona, Guia d'Arquitectura Moderna (Actar, 2013) and Traces (Actar, 2015). He has also curated debates and exhibitions such as “Patent Construction: New Architecture Made in Catalonia” at the Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt and the Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design in Stockholm.
Update: 27 July 2021