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Ricard Gràcia

Ricard Gràcia (@ricardgracia) has been chief editor of the Infographics Department of El Periódico de Catalunya since 2006. Linked to El Periódico since the boom in journalistic infographics in the 1990s, he has obtained various recognitions on a personal and group level in the International Prize Awards of the SND (Society for News Design), the Malofiej Prizes for Infographics, the European Newspaper Awards and the ÑH awards for journalistic design. In parallel to his activity at El Periódico, he has worked as teacher of Infographics and Press Design at the Elisava Higher School of Design until 2012. In 1997, he created the style book for the Infographics Department of the now defunct newspaper Público de Guadalajara (Mexico) and he has taken postgraduate study courses in Digital Journalism and Multimedia at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).


Has participated in

I Data Journalism and Open Data Conference

When Data Tell Stories