Reinaldo Laddaga
Reinaldo Laddaga was born in Rosario, Argentina, in 1963. He is an Argentinian novelist, essayist and musician.
He received his PhD from New York University and has taught at Pennsylvania and Princeton Universities, at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica in Rio de Janeiro and Rosario National University. His essays on art and literature include Estética de la emergencia; la formación de otra cultura de las artes (2006), Espectáculos de realidad (2007) and Estética de laboratorio; estrategias de las artes del presente (2010). His narrative work includes: La euforia de Baltasar Brum (1999), Tres vidas secretas: John D. Rockefeller, Walt Disney, Osama bin Laden (2008) and Un prólogo de los libros de mi padre (2011). In 2013 he published a bilingual book of short stories and musical pieces in association with 17 composers entitled Cosas que un mutante tiene que saber; más cuentos breves y extraordinarios, and, in 2014, he worked with Jorge Carrión on a collection of short stories and images produced by dozens of artists entitled Riplay; Historias para no creer. He has written the librettos for two operas and collaborated with a number of artists. He currently lives in New York.
He has produced La Baronesa Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, al regresar con Dane Rudhyar a su loft de una visita al Museo Metropolitano, le muestra su Retrato de Marcel Duchamp y luego lo acompaña en la ejecución de su Sintonía (2015) with the CCCB for the exhibition “Sebald Variations”.