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Pol Capdevila

Senior lecturer in the Humanities Department at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona, Pol Capdevila teaches Theory of Art, Contemporary Art, and Image Theory. He has a BA in Philosophy and a PhD in Aesthetics and Art Theory, both from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is presently engaged in research on the problem of time in contemporary art and visual culture, about which he has published numerous articles, chapters and, recently, the book Espectros del tiempo. Estética e historicidad en el arte contemporáneo (Spectres of Time: Aesthetics and Historicity in Contemporary Art, Gedisa, 2023). He teaches in the MECLAP (master’s in Comparative Studies in Literature, Art, and Thought) programme at the UPF, and also the MURAD (master’s in Research in Art and Design) degree at the EINA University School of Design and Art. He complements his academic career as an art critic in contemporary art magazines, as a committed populariser of philosophy, and as an art curator.

Update: 2 September 2024


Has participated in

Wild Rumours and Sound Art

Seminar on the installation “Bestiari”