Piedad Bonnett
Piedad Bonnett was born in Amalfi, Colombia in 1951. She is a writer, poet and playwright. She received her Bachelor degree in Philosophy and Literature from the University of the Andes where she has lectured since 1981. She has an MA in Art, Architectural and Design Theory from the National University of Colombia.
She has published eight books of poems. They include De círculo y ceniza (1989)—honourable mention in the Octavio Paz Hispano-American Poetry Competition—, El hilo de los días (1995)—National Poetry Prize awarded by the Colombian Cultural Institute—Ese animal triste (1996), Tretas del débil (2004) and Explicaciones no pedidas (2011)—Casa de América (Madrid) Prize for American Poetry. Her poems have been translated into Italian, English, French, Swedish, Greek and Portuguese. In 2012 she received the Víctor Sandoval Poetry Prize (Mexico) and was awarded the Casa de las Américas Honorary Prize for Poetry in 2014.
Piedad Bonnett has written the novels Después de todo (2001), Para otros es el cielo (2004), Siempre fue invierno (2007) and El prestigio de la belleza (2010); a book bearing witness to the illness and suicide of her son, Lo que no tiene nombre (2013), and the following plays: Gato por liebre, Que muerde el aire afuera, Sanseacabó, Se arrienda pieza and Algún día nos iremos, which have been staged at the Teatre Lliure under the direction of Ricardo Camacho.