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Peter Pomerantsev

A journalist, writer, television producer, and expert in press manipulation and propaganda.

A Visiting Senior Fellow at the Institute of Global Affairs of the London School of Economics, he writes for media outlets like Financial Times, London Review of Books, Politico, Granta and Atlantic, among others. His first book, Nothing is True and Everything is Possible (Publicaffairs, 2015), was awarded the Royal Society of Literature Ondaatje Prize and was a finalist for the Guardian First Book, Pushkin House, and Gordon Burns prizes. His most recent book, This is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality (Publicaffairs, 2019), explores efforts to destabilise democracy around the world by means of disinformation campaigns in the social networks. He has testified as an expert witness on disinformation in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the UK Parliament Defence Select Committee.

Update: 29 May 2020


Has participated in

Marta Peirano and Peter Pomerantsev

Technology, Digital Surveillance, and Disinformation