Paul Preston
Paul Preston (Liverpool, 1946) is the Príncipe de Asturias Professor of Contemporary Spanish Studies and director of the Canada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies at the London School of Economics. An analyst of Spanish affairs on radio and television in both Great Britain and Spain, and contributor to numerous newspapers and reviews, he has published several books, the most recent among them being Palomas de guerra (2001 – published in English as Doves of War: Four Women of Spain), Juan Carlos. El rey de un pueblo (2003 – Juan Carlos: A People’s King), the extended and revised edition of La guerra civil española (Debate, 2006 – The Spanish Civil War: Reaction Revolution, Revenge) and Idealistas bajo las balas (Debate, 2008 – We Saw Spain Die: Foreign Correspondents in the Spanish Civil War) and El holocausto español (Debate, 2011; in catalan Base, 2011).
Update: 3 April 2012