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Orquestra del Caos

The Orquestra del Caos (Orchestra of Chaos) is an interdisciplinary group of artists engaged in creating and producing sound, musical, audiovisual and multimedia events. Particularly interested in the use of technology in art, its performances usually feature the use of technological tools such as sensors and telecommunications devices. The group's association with the CCCB began in 1994, since when it organised eight editions of the Zéppelin exhibition of sound projects and eleven editions of the EnRedO electro-acoustic music symposium. The Orquestra del Caos has also established a sound art and experimental music archive, Sonoscop, with more than 4800 files, all of which are accessible to the public. The group's most recent project is entitled AlgO.

Has participated in

Sonoscop Archives

Orquestra del Caos

Sonoscop Archives

Orquestra del Caos