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Oriol Quintana

A lecturer at the Chair of Ethics and Christian Thought at the Chemical Institute of Sarrià (Ramon Llull University), he has also been a secondary school teacher at the Col·legi Sagrada Família in Sant Andreu. He has devoted the last few years of his research work to studying the writings of George Orwell, about whom he has written several articles and essays. He was recently awarded the Joan Maragall Foundation Prize for his doctoral thesis about George Orwell, which has been published by Edicions Viena with the title Vostè i George Orwell. Sobre l’humanisme orwellià i la condició de l’home corrent (You and George Orwell: On the Orwellian Humanism and the Condition of the Ordinary Man, 2019). He has also written books popularising philosophy, notable amongst which are 100 Preguntes Filosòfiques (100 Philosophical Questions, Cossetània Edicions, 2017), Filosofía para una vida peor (Philosophy for a Worse Life, Punto de Vista Editores, 2016) or La mandra (Sloth, Fragmenta, 2019), within the series «Deadly sins».

Update: 10 February 2020


Has participated in

Orwell through New Eyes

Panel discussion