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Núria Gómez Gabriel

Researcher and curator

Núria Gómez Gabriel (Barcelona, 1987) forms part of the 2018-2019 Research Support Programme of the MACBA Studies and Documentation Centre, teaches research classes – through art and visual narratives for the Degree in Arts and Design course at the Escola Massana (UAB); and participates in the CINEMA research group at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona where she is working on her doctoral thesis Embodied Cinema about the policies of visual dis-identity in contemporary artistic practices.

Her projects have been shown in contexts such as the International Videoart Festival LOOP Barcelona (Barcelona, 2018), Festival Punto de Vista (Baluarte, Navarra, 2018), “Llegible-Visible. Entre el fotograma i la pàgina” (Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona, 2017), “Polítiques DIY en l’assaig audiovisual” (Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, 2017),”The Museum Is Closed” (MACBA, Barcelona, 2016), among others. She has curated “Screening Performances” (Escenari Joan Brossa, Barcelona, 2018), “Perversiones y deseo” (Galeria Àngels barcelona, Barcelona, 2017), “BLOW UP Celebración” (Sala BeGood, Barcelona, 2017); and she directed the theatre symposium La Repetició (Associació Catalana de Crítica d’Art and Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona, 2018).

Update: 8 May 2019


Android Love

With Libby Heaney, Joana Moll and Núria Gómez Gabriel

Has participated in

Kosmopolis 2019

10th Amplified Literature Fest