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Montserrat Armengou


Montserrat Armengou is a journalist specialising in documentaries based on historical research. Since 1985, she has been working at Televisió de Catalunya (TV3) where she has directed numerous documentaries about hidden aspects of the Franco regime. These have received numerous national and international awards, including the National Prize for Journalism of the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia in 2002. With Ricard Belis, she has directed Els nens perduts del franquisme (The Lost Children of Francoism, 2002), Les fosses del silenci (Tombs of Silence, 2003), Avi, et trauré d’aquí (Grandad, I’ll Get You out of Here, 2013), and Els internats de la por (Inmates of Fear, 2015), and others. She has also written several books based on her documentaries, notable amongst which are El convoi dels 927 (The Convoy of 927, Rosa dels Vents, 2006), Ravensbruck. L’infern de les dones (Ravensbruck: The Women’s Hell, Angle Editorial, 2007) and Els internats de la por (Inmates of Fear, Ara Llibres, 2016). She is presently director of the TV3 programme Sense Ficció.

Update: 24 December 2020


Has participated in

There’s Still Someone in the Woods

Bosnia, 25 years after the conflict

Conversation with Paul Preston

“On the Spanish Holocaust”

9/11: The World ten Years on