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Matías Sirczuk

Researcher for the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) in Argentina and a professor of Political Theory at the University of Buenos Aires. He is also a María Zambrano postdoctoral researcher at the Philosophy and Gender Seminar and ADHUC - Research Centre for Theory, Gender, Sexuality at the University of Barcelona, a member of the Arendtian Group on Thought and Politics and a researcher at the Gino Germani Research Institute. He holds an undergraduate degree in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires, a Master’s in Contemporary Thought and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona. He has worked as a professor at the University of Buenos Aires, at the Open University of Catalonia, Pompeu Fabra University, and the University of Barcelona.

His areas of research include modern and contemporary political theory, democratic theory and totalitarianism, as well as contemporary readings of the tradition of political thought. Together with Claudia Hilb, he is the editor of the collection on contemporary thought El arte de leer [The Art of Reading] (Katz-Eudeba). He has published Claude Lefort (co-edited with Claudia Hilb, Katz editors, 2023), Fundación y legitimidad en la modernidad política: Carl Schmitt, Hannah Arendt y Claude Lefort [Foundation and legitimacy in political modernity: Carl Schmitt, Hannah Arendt and Claude Lefort] (Prometeo editorial, 2018), Hannah Arendt (co-edited with Lorena Fuster, Katz editores-Eudeba, 2017), and Gloria, Miedo y Vanidad. El rostro plural del hombre hobbesiano [Glory, Fear and Vanity: The plural face of the Hobbesian man] (in collaboration with Claudia Hilb, Prometeo editorial, 2007), as well as various articles in magazines such as Arendt Studies, Les Cahiers de L’Herne, Lectora, Las Torres de Lucca, Foro Interno, Res Pública, and Taula, among others. He is currently working on the book Donde está la política? Hannah Arendt y Judith Butler [Where is politics? Hannah Arendt and Judith Butler], to be published by Editorial Herder.

Update: 4 October 2023


Has participated in

Hannah Arendt: Thinking in company

Simona Forti, Zeynep Gambetti and Linda Zerilli

Conjugating the Present

Words inherited from Hannah Arendt

Judith Butler and Fina Birulés

Shared Life