Martine Leibovici
Martine Leibovici is a philosopher, Professor Emeritus at Paris Diderot (Paris 7) University and a member of the Laboratory for Social and Political Change at Paris 7. She is an authority on the work of Hannah Arendt and has published several books on her life and work, notable among them, Hannah Arendt, une Juive. Expérience, politique et histoire (Hannah Arendt, a Jewish Woman: Experience, Politics and History – Desclée de Brouwer, 1998); Hannah Arendt y la tradición judía. El judaísmo a prueba de la secularización (Hannah Arendt and the Jewish Tradition: Judaism resisting Secularisation – UNAM, 2005) and, more recently, with Anne-Marie Roviello, Le pervertissement totalitaire. La banalité du mal selon Hannah Arendt (The Totalitarian Perversion: The Banality of Evil According to Hannah Arendt – Paris, Klimé, 2017). She is also author of Autobiographies de transfuges. Karl Philipp Moritz, Richard Wright, Assia Djebar (Autobiographies of Defectors: Karl Philipp Moritz, Richard Wright, Assia Djebar – Le Manuscrit, 2013), and regularly publishes articles on such writers as Emmanuel Lévinas, Simone Weil and Jacques Derrida. She has recently published the chapter “Hannah Arendt lectora de Rousseau” (Hannah Arendt: Reader of Rousseau) in the jointly-authored book Hannah Arendt. El arte de leer (Hannah Arendt: The Art of Reading) edited by Lorena Fuster and Matías Sirczuk (Eudeba and Katz Editores, 2017).
Update: 22 November 2017